Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 1

Welcome! It's day 1 of nablopomo for November and here I am! So far so good! Let's see if I can keep it up. I will try my best :)

Since it's the weekend and I worked this morning and would like to spend some time with my family since it's really the only time we are all home at once, this one will be short and sweet. Hope you don't mind.

Saturday evenings and Sundays are usually our days to hang out as a family. We'll usually try to watch a movie or something on Saturday night (though last night was trick or treat). Sunday we'll find something nearby to keep us busy. Lately we've been doing some geocaching but that may take a back seat for a bit now since the weather is starting to get nasty. Today hubby decided he wanted to watch the Packer game. Needless to say I'm a tad bored!

I'd now like to invite you over the my photography blog to take a look around. Today I have a photo of my daughter in her Halloween costume from last night. Yes, I went and signed up for nablopomo over there too! I'll probably end up regretting this! My posts for October on both blogs have been pretty sparse and now here I'm going to try to post EVERYDAY in November.......on not one but 2 blogs! Someone must have slipped something in my morning OJ!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Great job Lynn! I'll be checking in on both blogs!