Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Back to work and November blogging

Today is my last of 9 days off in a row and I'm not happy about it! It went by too fast. I just starting getting into a groove and getting things crossed off my list and working on some projects around here. Now this going back to work is gonna mess things all up! I know, I know, I should be thankful I even have a job. I am, but I'm sure you know how it goes.

I feel kinda hubby was planning some stuff for me for my 40th without me knowing about it (ya hard to believe isn't it?).....anyway, I've found out about a couple things accidentally and by way of him having to tell me because of something I was going to do! Poor guy. He finally tries to surprise me with something and he has to reveal it anyway. I will tell you all about it next month after the big day!

I've decided to do nablopomo (National Blog Posting Month) for November. They actually do it every month usually with a different theme. I've done once in the past and since November is the "official" month I thought I'd give it another shot. Who's with me?

I'm debating whether I should also do it on my photoblog too. What do you think?


Nicole said...

I'd definitely love to see a new photo every day for a month!

Aim said...

I'm going to try NaNoBloPo again...since I can't do the book thing. You should do it with the photo blog as well. that would be fun. Can't wait to hear about hubby's surprise stuff. And remember, 40 ain't nothing but a number.

Unknown said...

Another person doing Nablopomo. I might do it again- I did it last December and it was a LOT of work... so we shall see...