Friday, June 27, 2008


I've been wanting to change up the look on this blog lately but wasn't sure what to do.

I didn't like much of what blogger has to offer in the way of templates besides the ones I've already used. I tried a pre-made one a while back but I lost all my sidebar stuff.

I know very, very little about HTML so making my own was not an option.

Thanks to Amy at Escape To Thought, I figured out what to do. She blogged about her new layout from Leeloublogs so I went and checked it out. There are a bunch of free templates available for you to use. All you have to do is put her button on your sidebar. No problem! She also does customized work so if you need or want something more personalized there's a link for her custom design site there too.

I found one I like and it was super easy to get set up. I emailed with a question and had a response later the same day. Great service! Thanks Leelou!

Now I feel like a real blogger. LOL


Amy said...

First off, thanks for the link to my blog ;) Secondly, I love what you've done with the place. Nice!

Aim said...

I love the new look. It's purty. While you were updating your blog, I was researching free websites. I've had a (short) story idea milling around in my head and needed to write it down. After 20 pages, I decided to considering sharing it with the world. (so that is)I'll have a link on the blog when I get the site how I want it, but Derek and Abbi's story (or parts of it) will be there as well, so I'm pulling the plug on their blogs. (one less thing to worry about)