Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No fireworks

Well, this is the first July 4th in years that we didn't go see fireworks.  This year we decided to drive up to Minnesota and visit the Mall of America on Saturday. 

The kids loved it because we got to shop!  They each had a limit and they actually stayed under it quite easily, so I'm putting the rest in their college fund account since we've been pretty bad at adding to that over the years!  We had dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.  Everyone had shrimp but me, the picky one!

Then on Sunday the 4th we went to the Minnesota Zoo.  It's a fairly nice one as far as being clean and kept up but the kids were a little disappointed because there weren't all that many animals compared to our zoo.  They also had nice exhibits with lots of room for the animals to move around which then meant they were far apart so there was tons of walking in between.  But overall I thought it was nice.


Skowt loves the Prairie Dogs....I think their claws look a little creepy! 

I'm putting the rest of the pics from the zoo in a gallery on my smug mug site

How did you spend your 4th?


Aim said...

that dolphin pix is awesome! sounds like you guys had fun.

Mrs4444 said...

I'd hate to get a back scratch from that little bugger!haha We, too, skipped the fireworks, though not the celebration. So great to be an American :)

Just stopping by to say hi. Saw that you are from Wisconsin, too. It's nice to "meet" you :)