Thursday, November 5, 2009

My latest purchase

My hubby collects lunchboxes, me and the girls are Twihards so this was a no brainer! Actually we got the Twilight one over the summer when the 4 of us were down at the Gurnee Mills mall in Illinois. I spotted it at Hot Topic and really didn't have all that hard a time talking hubby into getting it. So of course we had to get the New Moon one to go along with it.

I saw it online and was planning to get it but just hadn't gotten around to it. Then today I just happened to spot it in Target! I just love me some Tar-jay! Was kind of surprised they had it there, but I just couldn't pass it up. I did have a hard time deciding between this one (it has Jacob on the other side and Bella on the ends) and the one with all three of them together on both sides.

I put it up above the cabinets with the others and am waiting to see who if anyone notices and how long it takes. I of course being team Edward had to face him forward....also wonder how long before team Jacob turns it around! lol


Aim said...

Okay, why didn't you just get them both!? LOL. I'm team Edward as well, but Jessi is Team Jacob. I'm not sure where Han is. I think Team Carlisle...but if that's an option I will be first in line!

Jenn@ The Crazies said...

Team Jasper LOL... love these lunchboxes!! super fabulous!